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Different genres of music will deliver specific attitudes to its' audience. For example, rap and rock music typically incite a rebellious attitude, while country music usually delivers a more uplifting and responsible attitude. Based on the most popular music choices of the world today, we can see the general attitude of society. Most people do not pay attention to how their choice in music affects them, but in reality it can change your moods for the better and/or the worse. All genres may be more or less upbeat, and songs within these genres can still be further categorized as "happy" or "sad" songs, but regardless of how happy or sad some songs may be, each genre of music has a basic attitude or mood that coexists with the songs themselves. Not all songs of that particular genre may apple, but most of them will. 


The current generation's obsession with rap music is problematic. Due to rap music's increasing popularity, the lifestyles that these rappers preach about are also becoming more popular and even idolized by today's youth. An obsession with rap music becomes problematic because it idolizes a life filled with murder, robbing, and disloyalty. It is important to notice this because most people may enjoy the music because of how rebellious it is, or it may be because of how the instrumental behind the lyrics sound (the beat), but the music in combination with the lyrics influences the audience in ways they may not even know. Listening to violent music will not necessarily turn the listener towards acting violent. However, seeing how much money rappers make by robbing, killing, and being disloyal only makes the youth want to achieve the same amount of money by copying the actions that these rappers claim to have done. 


Listening to too much sad music is bound to reflect poorly on an individual's mental health. Sad music can put people in a bad mood, while being in a bad mood makes sad music seem more enticing, as well as the opposing side of listening to happy music and its correlation with a happier mood. This is important because it may help people realize that too much sad music is not beneficial to your brain, and can even be considered harmful. Depression is a real issue, and someone in the audience may be depressed. If their playlist contains mainly sad music, this essentially feeds the flames of depression and tells them that it's okay to be sad all of the time, rather than helping them to look to the bright side. On the other side of the argument, one could argue that just because a person prefers sad music does not mean that they are at risk. The audience needs to understand that everything is fine in moderation, including sad music. Music provides pleasure to the brain, and if the pleasure is all focused on sadness rather than trying to achieve happiness, then the person at risk is straying from the path of an improved state of mental health. 





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